Our Ecumenical Partnership
We became an Anglican and Methodist Partnership on 31st August 2010.
Working Together
We welcome everyone into our life and fellowship. If you belong to another christian denomination, we welcome you as fully as you are able and we commit ourselves to honouring you belonging to a different Christian tradition.
We invite you:
to share in the ministry and mission of the Church in the community we serve;
to worship fully with us;
to be part of our decision-making and to contribute to a common fund for the mission and ministry of the wider Church in so far as your continued giving to another church will allow.
We undertake
to respect the membership and seek to learn from the experience of Christians of traditions other than our own;
to give pastoral care to all those who desire it;
to invite ministers or lay members of other churches to take part in leading worship;
to incorporate the riches of worship of other traditions as appropriate into our own;