Vision & Values

Our passion as a church family is to work together to share God’s love and to spread the Good News of Jesus’ love and forgiveness, offered to all of us in our communities.


How we go about it

We do this by our lives and our words. We provide activities for the community: Afternoon Tea, Line Dancing, Indoor Bowling, ‘Messy Festivals’, visiting Thornton Care Home and Knit and Natter and so on.

As we work, we also tell our stories of the difference that counting God in/looking to Jesus has made in our lives. We know that we are far from perfect but we are on a journey wanting to serve God and love our neighbours. Each year we set ourselves specific goals.


2024 Goals:

  1. Pastoral Care, especially bereavement Support. Building on the success of launching our Pastoral Team, we wanted to continue to develop this, and especially in the area of providing bereavement support. Some suggestions have been a ‘bereavement café’, and providing specific times and space to remember loved ones.

  2. History Trail. We have some amazing (and long) history in our area, and we will look at creative ways we can make more of this, both for the church and more widely. We hope to link with the local community in developing a trail for this.

  3. Communications. We recognised that (like most organisations!) we could do much better at communicating with people – both internally about what’s going on, who to speak to, etc, but also (and perhaps more importantly) for those who aren’t church members.

  4. Children & Young People. We have some fantastic links with lots of the young people in the villages, but we could do more. In particular, we could better integrate and include young people in our regular worship, and build on some of our existing links by, for example, starting a ‘Lego Church’ or something similar.


Some of the organisations we’ve supported recently:

  • Children’s Society

  • Christian Aid

  • Elton Larder

  • Elton Foodbank

  • World Mission Fund of the Methodist Church in Britain

  • The Royal British Legion

  • The Mothers Union